US Patented

DTT(The Design Thinking Test) adds value to the recruitment process by helping you find creative talent quickly, accurately, and without bias.

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Over 360,000

Over 300
Enterprise Users


  • Pragmatic


    Faster and more accurate than conventional behavioural and cognitive assessment methods.

  • Measurable


    The World’s first standardised assessment tool to quantify business creativity skills.

  • Online


    Participants take the test and receive results online.

Find Creative Business Talents

Our Method

Creative talents have the ability to understand the underlying issues of problems, and ideate unique and feasible solutions. They can add new value to your business and help you grow faster.
Our assessment method measures the core skill sets of these creative talents which center around the following principles inspired by the design thinking process.

Define Problems

Empathize with the users and define problems.

Ideate solutions

Ideate unique and feasible solutions to unmet needs.


US Patented

Step 1Creation Session (30mins)

1.Define a problem

Define a problem

2.Ideate a solution

Ideate a solution

Step 2Evaluation Session (30mins)

Peer review

Peer review

Quantify Business Creativity

Visualise and compare participants scores.

Scores are statistically calculated by our patented technology, which adjusts voting weight based on each examinee's believability score. If you rate all ideas as bad ideas, your believability score will be low, resulting in a low evaluation score and other examinee's scores will not be affected.

Design Thinking Score (400 points)
Creation ScoreNeed Finding ScoreThe ability to identify fundamental human needs and potential needs of future generations
Solution Ideation ScoreThe ability to provide highly novel and appropriate solutions in relating to needs
Evaluation ScoreNeeds Evaluation ScoreThe ability to identify unmet needs and wants
Solution Evaluation ScoreThe ability to identify whether a solution is effective and innovative in relation to the needs

Score Ranks

  • SS Rank

    Equivalent to the top 1% of examinees
  • S Rank

    Equivalent to the top 5% of examinees
  • A Rank

    Equivalent to the top 20% of examinees
  • B Rank

    Equivalent to the top 40%  of examinees
  • C Rank

    Equivalent to the top 60%  of examinees
  • D Rank

    Equivalent to the top 80%  of examinees
  • E Rank

    Equivalent to the bottom 20%  of examinees

Case Studies

Berkeley Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship and TechnologyManaging Director

"We used DTT as part of our curriculum to quantify and benchmark our undergraduate and graduate students that are studying Design Thinking principles as part of their introduction to innovation and entrepreneurship.DTT from VISITS is unique in its design, and proved a useful tool to provide quantifiable feedback on the improvement across students as they absorbed the principles of design thinking."

PanasonicManaging Director

There are a wide variety of aptitude tests, but I found this score to be very convincing.Some aptitude tests allow you to manipulate the results to some extent, but this test requires you to answer the questions as they are at the time.Because we had the scores, we were able to look at the students with objectivity.In a normal group work or interview, you may only be able to see one side of a person, but with some students we were able to see an unexpected side.

Sumitomo Corporation

Sumitomo Corporation Case Study- Trade Corporation with $40+B Revenue-

Sumitomo were struggling with finding creative talents in the traditional interview routine so that they tried design thinking test screening after the regular interview process.
Interestingly, 4 out of 6 applicants were overlooked by the traditional interview process.

Sumitomo Corporation Case Study

Enterprise Users

Sumitomo Corporation
Nissin Foods
Mitsui Fudosan
Dai-ichi Life


  • HR Award 2021

    HR Award 2021

    “DTT” Wins the “HR Award 2021” Excellence Award in the Human Resources Recruitment and Employment Category

  • HR Award 2021

    Digital HR Competition 2021

    “DTT” Wins Digital HR Competition 2021 HR Technology Solutions Category Grand Prix

Assessed Examinees

Number of examineesOver360,000
Enterprise UsersOver300Enterprises
* As at December 2023

Demo Test Process

  • STEP1

    Request a demo via the Contact Us link below.

    In your inquiry message, please specify “I would like to request a demo.”

  • STEP2

    A demo URL will be sent to you via email.

    The URL will take you to your demo screen as shown below.

    Registered Tests